Product Review: v-nudie Juices

Summer is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to start indulging in some refreshing treats such as ice cream, fresh juice and summer fruits (mangos and lychee anyone?). One of our favourite brands of juice is Nudie which has coincidentally just launched some new 1L juices called ‘v-nudie’ for only $3.99 (RRP). Our good friends at HQ sent over some for us to try (and to give away to you guys – keep reading!), and here is our verdict.

The new range features 3 variations and is much more vegetable based, to help people satisfy the recommended servings of 5 vegies and 2 fruits a day for a healthy lifestyle. Nudie’s signature cartoon drawings and cheeky descriptions of what goes into their juices are still part of their packaging, but the combination of flavours are a bit different from what we’re used to:

  • Beetroot, apple, carrot, pineapple and mint
  • Carrot, apple, orange and ginger
  • Apple, cucumber, kiwifruit

Source: Nudie Juice

We poured ourselves big glasses of the beetroot one to kick start the sampling and half-wish that we didn’t. We’re only moderate fans of beetroot and this juice tastes exactly like concentrated beetroot. It’s very strong with a hint of apple and a minty after-taste. We were a bit put off at first, but it gets better after the initial beetroot shock passes. Thankfully our friend LOVES beetroot and demolished the bottle, though it’s not really our cup of tea.

Next was the carrot one and we were much more cautious this time pouring ourselves only a small amount. The juice smells like orange and ginger, so it’s no surprise it ends up tasting like a dull orange juice with a crisp ginger taste. The ginger helps remind you that what you’re drinking is quite healthy, while the familiar taste of orange juice makes it much more appealing. Although I’m not usually a fan of ginger, it works quite nicely with orange in liquid form and is quite tasty. The ingredients on the bottle also mentions apple and carrot as being key ingredients but we can’t really taste either of them in the juice as the orange and ginger is so prominent.

Last up is the apple one which we were looking forward to most as it contains the highest proportion of fruits. It is surprisingly sweet and sour, tasting like cucumbers which have been pickled with apple vinegar. We suspect the sourness comes from the kiwi fruit but it tasted the most refreshing out of the three and is our favourite.

These v-nudie juices are quite different from the existing Nudie Juice range. They’re great if you don’t eat vegetables because you need to get your nutrients from somewhere. We’re happy to stick with the apple, cucumber and kiwifruit variation, but those with a liking for beetroot and ginger should give the others a go too.

Now for the giveaway. Want to win your own pack of 3x v-nudie juices? We’ve got two prize packs to give away! Simply like us on Facebook and tell ‘What combination of fruit or vegetables would make the ultimate juice and why?’. Submit your entry in the comments below with your contact name and email. Most creative entry wins!

This competition is now closed. Congratulations to our winners Amanda and lateraleating!

Special thanks to Nudie Juice and Brand New Solutions for sending over the juices



  • Helen says:

    Watermelon, strawberries, and ginger.
    Because they taste good together and is zesty and hydrating.

  • vegeTARAian says:

    My favourite juice is apple, cucumber, celery, carrot and ginger. A fresh and tasty energy boost!

  • Berries, mango and pineapple because it is delicious, tropical and perfect for summer!

  • ams ;) says:

    I would make a mango+apple+grape+pineapple juice full of squishy goodness. Why don’t people use grapes more often? They are delicious 🙂

  • I think I’d like the beetroot one, I love beetroot. My favourite is actually a Peruvian classic, it’s called “surtido” and has beetroot, banana, pineapple, papaya, and strawberry. Sweet, tasty, and good for hangovers 🙂

  • Liria Kan says:

    Mangoes, strawberries and lychees – it’s summer in a glass! I’m sick of waiting for the weather to make up its mind about whether to let it be summer yet. The cure is simple. I’ll just make my own summer.

  • Holly Taylor says:

    strawberry, banana & mango would be delish, i’m not usually a fan of mango but it always makes for a winning smoothie!

  • Tina says:

    oh gosh, where to start?! I’d definitely have strawberry, mango, and lychee, and one of the best smelling fruits –> peach! All these ingredients have just the right amount of sweetness, citrusy taste, and lychee has a great light scent; definitely a perfect smoothie 🙂

  • Colleen says:

    It tastes best when it is fresh…
    And it’s no fresher than when it comes straight from the garden..
    Strawberries as the base
    Lemon for a bit of tang!
    Watermelon just because we can grow it in impossible conditions!

  • Amanda says:

    Mangoes, strawberries and PAVLOVA – because juice isn’t restricted to just fruits and veges, right? It won’t really be healthy, but it’ll be damn sweet and delicious.

  • Marlowe says:

    Obviously, prunes, onions, capsicum, broccoli and kumquat. Best juice ever.

  • Apple, blackberry with some orange zest, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and honey. Cloves if you like them too.
    Why? Healthy and really delicious. You can have it cold on a hot day, or warmed up in a saucepan on a cold Winter day.

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